Nela Records

Top 10 Trends in the 2023 Music Marketing World

The music marketing world is constantly evolving and there’s no sign of it showing down for 2023. In fact, chances are good that music advertising will be bigger and better than ever.

Current Music Marketing Techniques

The hot spots of music marketing that are tried, true, and currently working include Facebook music marketing, Spotify for Musicians, Instagram, musician websites, and YouTube. “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it,” is the verdict in the music marketing world. There is room for improvement, however.

It will be vital to keep up with your social media music marketing channels so you can keep them filled with fresh, new content and implement out-of-the-box marketing when possible.
When new things hit the scene, don’t ignore them. Those who do will be left in the dust.

Upcoming Music Marketing Changes

While this year was a time of coming back from all the negative implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, next year will be new and different. Some of the trends expected to grace 2023 include:

Advanced Digital Transformation

If you think digital technology is popular now, just wait to see what comes about in 2023. From improved internet to further developed artificial intelligence and more focus on augmented and virtual reality, expect advanced digital transformation to take hold like never before. This will include a creative and technical mix – innovative expression through the use of more technical modes. Music will become more advanced than ever in technical ways. It will be up to artists and their marketing agents and promotion managers to find ways to bridge the gap between technology and personal relationship. For instance, your music videos may incorporate VR (virtual reality) into them but through careful consideration and creative thinking, you’ll be able to connect with your audience even better because of the features. But, if you aren’t careful, your productions could appear too scientific and less personable.

Digital Software

Digital software will be improving soon and you’ll definitely want the most up-to-date versions. If you don’t, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb. Imagine all the ways futuristic digital software can catapult your music and music marketing to all new heights.
Musical Instrument Digital Interface. One of the most exciting, industry-changing advancements will be in the field of musical instrument digital interface. Plan for it and for all the benefits it will bring.

Digital Streaming

The advancements in digital streaming will be mind-blowing. No matter what it takes or what it costs, you’ll want to keep up.
Brain Games. Music marketing will shift to a neurosales slant. Using color psychology and other brain-based sales techniques will rule. From branding your music or your band to driving end results, the applied science of psychology will pump sales and streamline fan following growth – if you implement it. Using your brain to get inside your listener’s brain will make or break your music marketing strategy.

Social Media

From Facebook music marketing to Spotify and others, you’ll want to take advantage of every new feature they offer artists. The upcoming opportunities will be too good to miss out on. You’ll need to keep up with them though. No one is going to knock on your studio door to inform you of them. Keep a sharp eye out for music blogs and articles that let you know what is new or hire a music marketing company so you won’t even have to worry about it. That’s their job.


You’ll need to be up to date on security features that will keep you and your fans safe. Research the latest security programs and make sure your payment methods are as secure as they can possibly be.


Finding ways around a stressed economy will be key. You may be forced to get creative in order to save money on your marketing, productions, and merchandise so you can stay affordable enough for your fans.


Being a sustainable brand will be so huge in the coming year, your ability to do so will most likely cause you to gain or lose fans. The best plan is to find ways to be sustainable and make them known. Yes – toot your own horn.


No one knows how the cryptocurrency challenge may end up. It may seem far-fetched at the present, considering all the problems the currency has encountered, but at any moment the entire method of accepting money could change. Be sure you’re prepared to switch over or add on to your current currency plan. It could happen and most likely, in due time…will happen.

How to Prepare for 2023 Changes in the Music Industry

It’s time to get ready for 2023’s advancements. Be sure you have the right technology at your fingertips and that you know how to use them…or hire someone who does. Music videos will play a leading role in social media music. What equipment do you need and what knowledge must you gain to keep up?

Next Level Marketing

When it comes to the best music marketing strategies for the upcoming year, “good enough” just won’t be good enough. Why should it be though? There are so many excellent opportunities to look forward to, it’s a privilege to have all the tools and techniques the future is making available. Seize the day. Seize the year. Make it the best ever!

If you are looking for a marketing agency for music, look no further. Nela Records is the place where musicians market musicians. We are always a step ahead and know how to implement forward-thinking into your marketing plan. We will help you reach the top in 2023.