Nela Records

musician learns video music mraketing

The Art of Video Marketing Your Music

Videos are quickly becoming the most popular way to market. In fact, 87% of all marketers say that advertising by video provides the Return of Investment they were hoping for – making it well-worth their time, money, and effort to produce a video. Seventy-eight percent of those who market with video content agree they experienced a direct increase in sales. Videos are clearly an excellent choice for incredible results but only if the videos are outstanding. Find out how to make sure your product is relevant to the rules of video music marketing.

Video Music Marketing

A music video consists of a video with a song or music on it that has imagery produced for promotional purposes or for artistic showcasing. They are often used to sell or promote music that can be purchased, streamed, or downloaded but also can be used for marketing an event, like a concert, or merchandise.

Video music marketing can be achieved in several ways. You can market your music through videos that actually play your entire song, enticing your listeners to download copies. You can also create shorter videos that show your merchandise or that is simply done for brand identity purposes to make your band or solo act memorable and easily recognizable.

Promos and trailers are typically 5 – 15 seconds. They are intended to give your listeners a little taste of your music and artistic talents. Teaser videos are around 1 – 1.5 minutes so you are able to add in more details, more special effects, and more of the music you are highlighting.

Why Video Music Marketing?

Over 60,000 new Spotify tracks are added each day. On YouTube, more than 300 hours of video are uploaded. The competition is fierce. You’ve got to have an edge. A great video music marketing strategy will give you a big advantage over the competition and will help you accomplish your marketing goals.

There are a number of platforms you can share your music marketing video such as Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, TikTok, Instagram, and more. You’ll find instructions for putting your music videos on each of them. Spotify marketing is one of the most popular and most effective. Facebook marketing is highly effective as well.

You can also incorporate videos of any length onto your website or social media home page.

How to Make Your Music Video Rock

Regardless of if you are a band or a solo artist, video content is one of the best ways to market. Make sure your production is awesome with the following in mind:


You will only have a short time to entertain your audience so be sure the content is second to none. Use a top-notch camera to film and excellent sound equipment to record audio.


Make sure your music video shares whatever message you are wanting to impart. Are you wanting to encourage viewers? Are you wanting to pump them up to party mode? Whatever the purpose is behind your video is should be easy to identify.

Tell your Story

With your purpose in mind, tell the story you wish to tell. Did you have your heart broken and that’s what your song and video are about? If so, make it like a book from beginning to end, no matter how short or long. If your message and story are about having a good time, the story will look and feel much different. Be sure to have an ending, just as you would in a book or movie.


The more your audience can relate to your video and your music, the better. People love things that are familiar so get creative but also make it resonate with your viewers.

Grab your audiences’ attention

You have seconds to capture your listener’s attention, or they will be on to something else. Use eye-catching images, graphics, and text.

You may even want to start with a catchy part of the audio or a chorus that captivates. Start out spectacular and get even better.

Get Inspired

Be constantly aware of ideas. Keep an eye out during the day for interesting angles. Fall asleep at night thinking about ways to make your video stand out.

Look to Your Competition

One of the first steps to take is to check out your competition. Are they using music videos? If so, where are they putting them? Spotify, Facebook Reels, and YouTube are some of the best spots to look. With your competition’s videos in mind, begin to brainstorm about some on your own.


Optimize your content with SEO. This will help ensure it gets seen and that it is searchable. Don’t forget to add in the image descriptions using keywords too.

Hype it Up

Make teasers, trailers, and send out a press release when you have a new music video. Promote it to your family, friends, and followers too.

Make it Phone Friendly

Being mobile accessible and mobile friendly are two different things. Videos that show up well on a laptop screen don’t necessarily look great on a mobile.

Special Effects

A music video is designed to draw users in with stellar special effects like eye-grabbing text, interesting transitions, and a finale at the end to keep your production in their minds long after the show is over.

Show them What You’ve Got! A music video of any length is your chance to show what you are made of. Make the music rock and use the highest quality sound, imageries, and creativity you possibly can.

A Professional Touch

Don’t settle for less than the best. Especially when a musician is producing a video, the sound must be spectacular. The production has to be impressive with imagery, special effects, and creativity too.

It’s not unusual for musicians to simply not have the time or the skills to produce a cutting-edge music video. That’s when it’s wise to have the pros do what they do so you can do what you do – make music. Professional music marketers are talented in making stand-out music videos that bring the results you are looking for. They are also experienced in getting them on channels like Spotify marketing, Facebook marketing, and so forth.

If you are looking for an expert team to take your music video from good to great, check out Nela Records – musicians marketing musicians. You won’t be disappointed.