Nela Records

Jordana Delgado Case Study

We set up a Video View campaign for Barcelona born, Vancouver based Classical Pianist – Jordana Delgado. She created mesmerizing music videos set to piano pieces she wrote but had no idea how to actually promote them, so she contacted us. As she is relatively unknown as an artist we decided the best course of action would be to set up an introductory video view campaign and targeted classical music fans. After some fine tuning the results were incredible!

The best result here is the number and the cost per 95% view (when someone watches 95% of the 3 minute video). The question now is what do you do with 2264 seriously engaged viewers? We can retarget them with your next campaign and as they already know who you are, we can maybe get a little more clever! We can nudge them in the direction of email list sign up, or ask for a follow on Youtube or Spotify… the possibilities are endless. The point is you just 2264 people who stopped scrolling and watched your video for 3 minutes, so they must have really loved it!

A couple releases down the line one of her videos exploded on Youtube overnight with over 400 thousand views! Sometimes these things just happen but you have to take a chance on yourself for once.