Nela Records


We started working with Izzy in March 2023, like a lot of artists that are at the beginning of their marketing journey, she wanted the same thing that everyone wants – more streams, more listeners, more saves, more of everything. Like many artists she has tried running a playlist campaign for an album she released a couple of years prior but after the initial jump in streams, the campaign was over and it went pretty much back down to single digits of streams per day.

We ran a Spotify Growth campaign for her on the lowest budget of $5 per day and after a few months of steady growth the Radio algorithmic playlist started to play her songs to new listeners. As you can see from the picture on the top right the listener numbers went from virtually 0 to a record of 271 in around 6 months and it keeps growing! Bear in mind this was on a minimum budget and Izzy’s music is fairly niche – she makes Shoegaze music which is a genre that you can’t even target in Facebook ads, so there was a lot of 2 steps forward one step back going on for a time.

As you can see from the picture on the right her followers more than doubled in the same time time period and we stopped running ads for the time being because Spotify is now doing all of this work for her! Once the algorithm is confident in who is likely to enjoy your music it will show it to new listeners daily, for free. Those listeners will then save the song, add it to their personal playlist and follow you thus giving Spotify more data on your music, so the wheels keep spinning. If there is no data to speak of, if Spotify doesn’t know who you are and what kind of music you make it will not risk its user experience for you. So you have to feed it good quality data consistently, the only proven way of doing that is running Facebook/Instagram ads to Spotify!